Things you Need to Know about Diamond Imperfections

Things you Need to Know about Diamond Imperfections
Princess Cut Halo Diamond Rings
Diamond Imperfection Tips

Diamonds are the most stunning substance in existence. However, they are crafted in nature and are far from perfect. There are numerous imperfections found in diamonds. These imperfections are known as blemishes and inclusions. Many people think that these are not good for diamonds. However, there are benefits of diamond imperfections too. Therefore, you can expect blemishes and inclusion of some type in almost all diamonds. There are broadly two types of inclusions— internal and external inclusions. Below is a detailed discussion of diamond imperfections and their various aspects commonly found in princess cut halo diamond rings.

Surprising Benefits of Diamond Flaws

There are several benefits that come by virtue of the presence of diamond imperfections. For instance, the type of inclusion plays a critical role in determining the clarity of a diamond.

Further, the presence of certain imperfections helps you identify a diamond from one another. No two diamonds are the same. Hence, if you know the features of your diamond, you can remember them clearly. This will provide a sense of security for the owner.

Another benefit of diamond inclusions is that the flaws that you find on imitated versions of diamonds are completely different from the inclusions in natural diamonds. Finding these inclusions will confirm the authenticity of these diamonds.

There are different types of diamond imperfections found in nature. Below are some of the most common forms of inclusions discussed.

Pinpoints & Clouds

A pinpoint is a very small mineral crystal inclusion within the diamond, which could also be a diamond crystal. These are usually not bigger than a speck of dirt and are nearly impossible to detect. This applies even for a trained pair of eyes examining the diamond through a magnifier. Pinpoints usually appear in groups or clusters. Occasionally, they appear as haze and are referred to as clouds due to their resemblance to clouds.


Sometimes, you can observe small crystal embedded within a stone in its original state. It is possible that this could be a diamond crystal. The different types of crystal inclusions are discussed below.

  • A Dark crystal is one with a medium or dark color tone.
  • A Knot crystal is one which reaches the surface of the diamond like a knot in a piece of wood.
  • A Needle crystal involves a narrow and long rod-shaped structure inside the diamond.

There is also an outside probability that the crystal inclusion makes the diamond look beautiful. This happens when they appear shaped like diamonds, hearts, or other fancy forms. Usually crystals occur in white shade. However, they are found in all colors including green, black, gray, or red. Such inclusions are considered a bonus within the diamond.


A feather is a small diamond inclusion that looks like a separated area or a void inside the internal structure of the diamond. They are usually not detectable to naked eyes. Note that in diamonds having a clarity grade of SI the inclusions will be visible. Remember that diamonds with clarity grades of I2 and I3 having large feathers may have structural instability issues and should be bought after good consideration. This comes under the category of diamond flaws to be avoided. It is possible that diamonds of clarity higher than VS have feathers, but these are not a threat to the integrity of the diamond.

Twinning Wisps & Grain Lines

Twinning wisps comprise of a string of clouds or small pinpoints. These may also be crystals formed by the irregular crystal structure. Grain lines or grain line groupings are usually colorless and almost undetectable because of irregular growth patterns from the time of their formation. These imperfections are caused by the natural disruption that happened thousands of years ago.

Indented Naturals

These are dents found in the diamond. It usually appears along with an unpolished surface of the diamond that has been left there deliberately. It commonly appears to the side of the girdle.


Cavities are the small and concave spots that end up as a consequence of a crystal being removed while the diamond is cut and polished.


These are the tiny irregular nicks or cuts found in the diamond. They are also found along the edge of the girdle.

Types of Flaws to Avoid

Every flaw does not appear equal. There are inclusions that appear to the side of a princess cut double halo diamond engagement ring. These will not affect the diamond’s clarity or rating. Therefore, depending upon the position of the flaws, the inclusions have different effects over diamonds.

Furthermore, a bright inclusion is much more visible than a semi-transparent one. The major factors you need to look out for while assessing diamonds are color and the type of inclusion. After all, the visibility to naked eyes is the most important factor about inclusions.

Make sure you purchase diamonds from a certified jeweler and loo for the above factors while choosing the right diamond for you.

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