Matching Wedding Bands for Halo Engagement Rings

Matching Wedding Bands for Halo Engagement Rings
Princess Cut Halo Diamond Rings
Engagement Rings Ideas

Once you have your engagement ring, it might be a bit confusing to try to choose the best possible wedding band to complement it. Below is a brief discussion on the types of halo engagement rings that will help you to make an informed decision when it is time to buy wedding bands.


Halo setting does not have a metal underneath but is supported on both the sides. Here, the center diamond is elevated from the finger while maintaining both the sides of the ring straight. This design allows straight wedding bands to slide below the center diamond.

This is a very attractive design and it looks even better with a large center stone. Remember that this puts a limit to the style of the engagement ring though, and only a few simplistic designs can be added to the sides. Overall, princess cut halo diamond rings created for straight wedding bands are indeed attractive but lack options.


In this type of design, the center diamond might not be as high, but the underside of halo has diamonds, metal, and engraving. If you try to put a straight wedding band against the ring, it shifts from one side to the other. This offers huge possibilities for the halo engagement ring design.

There are numerous ways to create a design here. Most women like one or two wedding bands fitting snuggly to the halo engagement ring. This is better if it fits the diamond in size, setting style, and shape.

Wedding Band Options

One of the most popular wedding band types is the wrap around style. It is always bought along with the engagement ring, while it can be custom-made as well. In this, the best choice is to go for a customized diamond ring, which you will be able to wear for the rest of your life.

Another great alternative is the slip under wedding band. It gives you that look of a straight wedding band. Some princess cut halo diamond engagement ring in platinum are designed to accommodate a slip under style too.

There is also the option of a guard. Such a structure flanks the halo engagement ring on both sides, similar to getting two identical wedding bands. Note that the guard is either installed along with the engagement ring or custom made. Guards are a great choice if you decide to purchase them as a set along with your engagement ring.

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